Event Details

As a result of the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health, the Victorian Government established the Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing (the Collaborative Centre).

Research Australia, the national peak body for Australian health and medical research, is pleased to be working โ€“ alongside HealthConsult and mental health lived experience consultant, Flick Grey โ€“ to support the development of the Collaborative Centre's research strategy.

The Collaborative Centre will play a critical role in providing the leadership and opportunity for connecting lived experience, innovation, and the translation of mental health research into improved outcomes for people who use the mental health system in Victoria.

You are invited to a consultation workshop to share your views on the current areas of strengths and gaps in mental health and wellbeing research, the use of lived experience in research, and factors impacting research activity.

This workshop, facilitated by Research Australia, will allow the Collaborative Centre to hear from a range of key stakeholders representing diverse voices across the mental health and wellbeing research landscape.