Event Details
As the national peak body for health and medical research and innovation, Research Australia will be convening a Pre-Election Summit on 8 October 2024.
This Summit will bring together sector leaders in health and medical research and innovation, to identify the key reforms our sector needs to thrive. All Research Australia members are invited to attend. Numbers are strictly limited.
The details of the event are:
When: 8 October 2024
Time: 9:30am-3:00pm
Where: Members' Dining Room 1, Old Parliament House, Canberra
Morning tea and lunch will be provided on the day, please let us know of any dietary requirements when you RSVP.
For any further information or questions about the day, please contact Hayden Nichols, Government Relations Officer via email hayden.nichols@researchaustralia.org.
We hope that you can join us for this exciting political event.